
1. I downloaded the complete setup (SOMSetup.ZIP). What am I expected to do now?
2. I downloaded the executable (SOMExe.ZIP) file. What am I expected to do now?
3. A message appears, telling me that the file it tries to install is not newer than the one I already have. What should I do?


1. Sample'O'Matic? What?
2. I have to sample more instruments in one single shot: is SOM able to loop thru MIDI channels?

3. Can I edit single midi events of the play list?

4. Should I always set all those parameters, or is there a way to store them somewhere?

5. Is SOM able to load samples and play / edit / tweak them?

6. How can I adjust recording volume?

7. How can I select recording source?



I downloaded the complete setup (SOMSetup.ZIP). What am I expected to do now?

SOMSetup.ZIP is a compressed file: please expand it inside a folder, open that folder, locate a file called setup.exe and run it, so that installation procedure starts. 

The installation procedure is very fast and easy. All you have to do is confirm the default installation folder or choose another one.

Wait for installation procedure ending, then click on START / PROGRAMS / RicFreakSoft / Sample'O'Matic to run the application.   (Back to Top)

I downloaded the executable (SOMExe.ZIP) file. What am I expected to do now?

SOMExe.ZIP is a compressed file: please expand it in a folder and open that folder. You will find two files called SOM.EXE and SOM.CHM

All you have to do now is copy those files to your original SOM installation folder. Please remember to save old SOM.EXE and SOM.CHM before overwriting them with this new version: if something goes wrong with latest version, you can restore the previous one.

Now run SOM, open the about screen and look below the logo to see if version number is properly changed (to be sure of correctness of the update procedure)   (Back to Top)

A message appears, telling me that the file it tries to install is not newer than the one I already have. What should I do?

This is a frequent problem, shared by all the programs in this site. Please refer to Setup Messages section of support page.

Sample'O'Matic? What?

Actually, you have to know what a product is to decide if you need it or not: isn't it?  

Sample'O'Matic (aka SOM) is a program for automating repeated sampling processes. In plain english, you tell the computer what you want to sample and how, and it will do the work for you. Let's have an example.

Suppose that you bought a fabulous new synth and want to create samples of it for your own use, but it is a long and tedious task (128 programs, 64 notes each, 2,5 secs of sampling for each note means almost 6 hours). 

Well, this is exactly what SOM has been thinked for: you can decide which notes to play (and along which octaves), at which velocity; then how long each note will be played and how long each note will be sampled; then all relevant MIDI and sample parameters, and where to store the resulting WAV files.

Finally, just press the START button and feel free to live your life while SOM does the job for you.

Following previous example, the final result will be a folder with 128 subfolders (one for each sampled program) and 64 WAV files in each subfolder (one for each sampled note): 8192 WAV files.

So, do you think you need SOM or not?   (Back to Top)

I have to sample more instruments in one single shot. Is SOM able to loop thru MIDI channels?

Current SOM version isn't able to do that. Actually, this feature is quite easy to realize, but I think that it is not a real need: how many of you will connect more than one instrument, set different MIDI channels and sample the same programs numbers for each instrument?

Anyway, I will like to have your feedbacks about the program. So if you need such a feature just let me know.  (Back to Top)

Can I edit single MIDI events of the play list?


Yes, you can: just scroll the event list, double click the desired event and edit it.


That said, I think that it is easier and faster going thru multiple sampling sessions instead of defining one single big session and editing it.


Suppose that you want to sample all C notes with velocity value at 127, and all D notes at 100. The best way to do this is splitting the process in two: first you sample all C notes with velocity at 127; then, without any change in the sample parameters (right part of SOM screen), just select the D notes, change the velocity value to 100, populate the event list and START sampling.  (Back to Top)

Should I always set all those parameters, or is there a way to store them somewhere?


SOM can only save a single configuration of parameters: set all the desired values then click on File and on Save Setting choiche: parameters will be saved, overwriting previously saved values.

This saved configuration will be loaded each time SOM starts; moreover, you can load it clicking on File and on Load Setting choiche (warning: present values will be lost).  (Back to Top)

Is SOM able to load samples and play / edit / tweak them?


Not at all. Please read again first topic(Back to Top)

How can I adjust recording volume?


Starting from version 1.0, Build 3, volume setting (Line In, Mic and Volume only) can be accomplished inside SOM, using three sliders (look at the lower right part of SOM screen).


Remember that each SOM cursors movement will affect Windows volume control, but any setting made with Windows volume control won't be echoed in SOM.


Regarding Windows volume control, if you look at Windows Task Bar (you probably have it at the bottom of your screen) you will notice a set of icons on the right, near the clock. Usually, one of these icons is a yellow loudspeaker, like this:.

Double click it and the Windows volume control will be displayed.


Now click on Options and on Properties and select Recording volume. A list of devices will populate the white box below: please check the list and enable/disable devices as needed, then click the Ok button: the window now displays the recording volume sliders, and you can set your preferred level. Exit the recording control when ready.


Remember that a good sample is not easy to obtain. You probably have to try and retry many times, until you find the right balance with recording volume and input signal level (that is instrument volume).   (Back to Top)


How can I select recording source?


This is almost the same of previous question (recording volume). Look at Windows Task Bar (you probably have it at the bottom of your screen): you will notice a set of icons on the right, near the clock. Usually, one of these icons is a yellow loudspeaker, like this:.

Double click it and the Windows volume control will be displayed.


Now click on Options and on Properties and select Recording volume. A list of devices will populate the white box below: please check the list and enable/disable devices as needed, then click the Ok button: the window now displays the recording volume sliders, with a check box below each slider. Check the box corresponding to the desired device and exit the recording control.    (Back to Top)




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